Webcity Review

Webcity Review

Disk Space:
Free Domain:

Webcity is one of Australia’s premiere web hosting providers that also offers web storage and web design services. They handle nearly 150,000 clients in Australia, and have been in business since 1997. They recently upgraded their servers, so you get fast, efficient, error-free support.

Webcity offers four plans: EasySite, Business Starter, Business Pro, and Private Server EX. There is not a lot of difference in price for the first three, but the Private Server EX will run you about $50.00 a month. Most people do not need a dedicated server, though.

EasySite is the least of the packages and is perfect for beginners and small, personal sites. Each comes with one e-mail address and 1 GB disk space, as well as 25 GB bandwidth. The e-mail includes spam and virus filtering. EasySite also features Site Builder, which allows you to create websites without the coding. Accounts are setup immediately and you can place an order any time of the day or night.

Business Starter is the least of the business plans and comes with 10 GB disk space and 50 GB traffic. Though it does not state specifically, it appears to have unlimited e-mail accounts with webmail, and spam and virus protection. It also supports Perl, PHP 5, and MySQL. Along with all of this, you receive $75.00 in AdWords credits for marketing your site.

Business Pro allows for unlimited traffic, disk space, and e-mail. Spam and virus protection is still included, and Business Pro also supports the programming languages listed for the Starter plan. Also included is the $75 credit for AdWords advertising. If you prepay three years (36 months) in advance, the cost is only $7.95 per month – the same basic cost as for the Starter plan.

Unfortunately, Webcity does not appear to provide any scripts or installers for them. This could make it hard for anyone wanting to run a CMS (Content Management System) or blog, as well as shopping cart software. You should be able to install them yourself, but there is nothing about FTP access on the site either. If you are considering Webcity, you are strongly urged to contact a customer service representative to find out what services they offer.

If Webcity does provide FTP access, it should be noted on their site. While not important to beginners, FTP access is vital to experienced webmasters and will probably be necessary to all webmasters at some point in their development. It is also necessary for manually installing scripts like blogs and CMS.

However, Webcity does offer a 110% money back guarantee for 90 days after purchase. They also offer 24 hour phone and e-mail tech support. Be sure to contact them and find out what features they offer that are not listed on their website before you decide on a plan.


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