VPS Hosting: The Benefits and How to Migrate Across

VPS hostingShared hosting may instantly be the type of hosting you would go for when a decision on how to manage your website needs to be done as soon as possible. This is not entirely a wrong decision. However, there is one type of web hosting that you may not want to overlook – VPS hosting.

VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting uses virtual private servers. This is where hosted websites share a single server, but functions as if each site has its own machine, and each one is not affected by any issue encountered by one VPS account in the same Web server.

The Apartment Complex Analogy

If you are living in an apartment complex, most units would oftentimes be designed close together. If you happen to have a neighbor fond of throwing out parties, then you would have to deal with the noise, or sometimes even with the junk that the guests of your neighbor could leave on the halls of the floor you share with your neighbor. If you would like to install something like a satellite dish or deal with renovations in your unit, you would have to request for permission from your landlord. This is how a VPS hosting works, but without constantly dealing with the noisy neighbors, the garbage and a permit to install certain things from your landlord. . Most probably your landlord has put up a function hall somewhere in the complex to contain your neighbor’s guest so you and all the other tenants won’t have to deal with their noise. To complete the analogy, the landlord is your hosting provider, the function hall is the virtual server and the apartment complex with all the tenants would be the physical server and the websites hosted in those VPS accounts. While VPS is a lot more expensive than shared hosting, it’s probably the next choice of hosting prior to getting a dedicated server.

General VPS Hosting Benefits

Getting your website hosted presents you and the company that you represent general benefits. These include:
1. Potential for growth. If you are managing a small business and it takes off to become a fast growing company, then VPS would provide you the flexibility in managing your website to keep up with the growing number of your customers and their demands. Since you are given your independent space to store your data, then there would be less servers if not none crashing, causing delays in traffic.

2. Managed costs. This is the main difference that VPS hosting can provide you compared to a dedicated hosting service. With dedicated hosting, having a high budget for hardware upgrades and maintenance is always and almost a prerequisite, while in a VPS, all the company has to worry about is usually the monthly dues.

3. Security. VPS hosting has been laid out to ensure protection of your data. With a VPS, website owners and developers are provided with individual IPs as well as passwords to regulate access to their accounts. Aside from these, optional security features include the implementation of a firewall and education of employees on securing server access from outside computers. These things protect the server from being hacked by third parties.

4. Support Feature. While this is an option, most providers would include a support service in their package, especially with the amount of money you would pay them for the hosting alone. This is one thing that you have to confirm from your provider as if this is not an option but a requirement. Sub features of this service include email, chat and phone support that would be available to assist you, especially after office hours.

5. Administrative Control. With a VPS, you can easily manage or change the content of your site and the applications you use anytime and anywhere via a password-protected control panel.

6. Methods of Partitioning. VPS hosting providers also follow two unique methods of partitioning that would prove this hosting type’s flexibility. One method is via the use of software known as Hypervisor. The Hypervisor software allows multiple operating systems to run on a single computer system while tracking the memory and processor allocation capabilities, depending on the needs of the operating system. The other method known as the Container uses applications such as Open VZ and Parallels Virtuozzo. In this method, the actual server running with a single operating system is partitioned into virtualized servers and the operating systems kernel (the main part that loads first and is contained in the computer’s memory) will still function in all of the partitions.

7. Resources can be expanded or contracted. Another specific feature that VPS hosting providers can offer would be the expansion or contraction of any of your resources, depending on your needs. Such resources include your CPU, memory, IP addresses, bandwidth and disk space. All you have to do is inform the provider of what you want expanded or reduced, and they can easily and immediately make the adjustments for you without having to go through a lot of processes. Additionally, there are also self-service features that give you the ability to do this on your end without having to consult the provider.

Deciding to Move to a VPS

These are just some of the varying features and benefits that you get from VPS hosting. If you think these could help you and your business , but you currently have a different type of Web hosting and want to move to a VPS (unless you would be getting a fully-managed service) then here are simple steps you can follow to ensure a smooth transition:

  • 1. Backup all of your existing files as well as your database.
  • 2. Copy and backup your email data. If you are using cPanel, then this would make things easy.
  • 3. Have your prospect VPS hosting provider define in a contract the disk space and bandwidth you will be getting.
  • 4. Install your website development software and restore the backup copies of your data.
  • 5. Make sure that you have a record of your IP addresses and DNS details.
  • 6. Ensure that your domain points to your VPS hosting by updating your private name server through your registrar.

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